Journal of Ecoacoustics

(ISSN: 2516-1466) Open Access Journal
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JEA 2018, 2(2), 14; doi: 10.22261/jea.u3xbiy

Hot spots of ecoacoustics in Greece and the issue of background noise

1 Acoustic Ecology Laboratory, Department of Environment, University of the Aegean, 81100 Mytilene, Greece
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Received: 5 Mar 2018 / Accepted: 9 Aug 2018 / Published: 18 Dec 2018
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Biodiversity monitoring and assessment across a variety of gradients, could be achieved with the aid of the ecoacoustics discipline. Acoustic monitoring approaches can provide results regarding the species richness of birds, bats, frogs and insects including cicadas (Cicadoidea) and katydids (Tettigoniidae) with results similar to the ones provided by classical ecological methods (e.g. visual point count methods). The risk of extinction of several species has led to the creation of the Natura 2000 Network in the European Union’s territory. Greece provides a number of 202 Special Protection Areas (SPA’s) and 241 Sites of Community Importance (SCI), 239 of which are considered as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). The specific areas provide both, an opportunity for ecoacoustics practice and an opportunity for ecoacoustic research. Even though the specific field of ecology has proven to be a valuable biodiversity assessment tool, areas that provide a variety of ecoacoustic events are yet to be documented. The goal of the specific article is to highlight these special conservation areas and propose a monitoring network using the non-invasive approach of ecoacoustics. For the specific research, the Greek protected areas were visualized in order to highlight sonotopes and soundtopes worthy of future research. Finally, in order to highlight the neglected issue of background noise regarding conservation efforts, the Kalloni’s salt pans were selected as a case study area. Noise measurements and sound recordings were conducted. Furthermore, noise and sound maps were created, in order to visualize the effects of noise.
Keywords: Natura 2000; ecoacoustics; monitoring network; noise map; isobel map; Kalloni’s Bay
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. (CC BY 4.0).
Matsinos, Y.G.; Tsaligopoulos, A. Hot spots of ecoacoustics in Greece and the issue of background noise. JEA 2018, 2, 14.
Matsinos YG, Tsaligopoulos A. Hot spots of ecoacoustics in Greece and the issue of background noise. Journal of Ecoacoustics. 2018; 2(2):14.
Matsinos, Yiannis G.; Tsaligopoulos, Aggelos. 2018. "Hot spots of ecoacoustics in Greece and the issue of background noise." JEA 2, no. 2: 14.
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